Sunday, October 07, 2007

Flavorful Chicken

From Cooking for 2 Fall 2007 (it's a subscriber only recipe so I can't link to it... sorry!)

soy sauce
boneless, skinless chx
parmesan cheese
italian seasoning
garlic salt

And the word of the day is "Paprika!" Aaaaah!

Wow, Pee Wee Herman flashback. I loved the chair...

Anywho... This was dinner before the game tonight. I figured since I already had the oven on for 45 minutes while it's 80 degrees and 86% humidity out I might as well double-task it. This is from a magazine with recipes that make two servings (very well named "Cooking for 2" then, don't you think?) so it makes no leftovers. Kind of shame since it was so tasty and takes a bit of time to make. I'll know to make a double batch next time.

It looks kind of chopped up because I had another "Martha should have just ordered Pizza Hut instead of attempting to cook" days. I dropped the chicken while trying to take it out of the oven. Luckily it missed me, but it fell on the potatoes (see entry below) and all over the bottom of the oven. Mmmm, burning chicken fat... Guess who's using the self-cleaning function tomorrow? Anyway, the recipe says to bake until it reaches 170 degrees. My thermometer only read 120 but it looked done to me. So I hacked it a bit while trying to determine if my thermometer was busted. I knew I should have gotten a new battery for my digital one rather than trying to use the old needley one. Grrr.

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