Saturday, December 12, 2009

Weekly Menu 12/12 through 12/18

It's been a rough couple of weeks. My grandfather passed away on the 3rd so right after our Christmas party last Saturday we hopped on a plane to Pittsburgh. The whole trip was one thing after another - messed up bookings, lost reservations, cancelled flights. But the service was nice and it was good to see relatives we don't get to hang with very often. And then we came home to 5 feet of snow in the driveway and a week's worth of work that hadn't gotten done. Sometimes being an adult sucks.

Anyway, we're back and getting caught up. I'd backtrack and post this past week's menu, but it was mostly eating out while out of town and leftovers from our party (although Adam's brother-in-law was nice enough to take most of those home with him so we didn't have too much sitting here.)

And so we move onward to this week:

Saturday 12/12 - Breaded Pork and Mozzarella Stacks with Garlic Broccoli

Sunday 12/13 - Adam's grilling some steaks

Monday 12/14 - Chicken in the slow cooker

Tuesday 12/15 - Christmas Party for my professional association

Wednesday 12/16 - Marinated London Broil

Thursday 12/17 - Sausage, Potato, and Cheese Waffles

Friday 12/18 - Chicken Quesadillas (Biggest Loser Cookbook)

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