Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Homemade Potato Chips

A spur of the moment idea from Adam's brain.

oil for frying

Wash the potatoes well. Peel them if you want. (Adam didn't.) Slice them on a mandolin. USE THE HAND GUARD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! (Adam did this time and didn't lose any body parts. Woo!) Drop them in a bowl of cold water as you slice so they don't brown. It also gets some of the starch off so they brown up better in the oil. Pat them dry before you drop them in the oil. If you don't, prepare to get splattered. Fry until they begin to brown. Or go longer if you like them crispy. I prefer a slightly floppy potato. (Hmm. That didn't quite come out right. You know what I mean.) Remove to a cooling rack over a baking sheet to cool. Sprinkle with salt. Store in an air tight container.

I love potatoes in pretty much any form. These turned out really well. I don't usually eat potato chips, but I ate this entire bowl. What's really weird is that a guest on Rachael Ray this week talked about making their own potato chips. I can't remember who it was, but I thought it was kind of freaky.

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