Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Turkey Burger "Drumsticks"

From Everyday with Rachael Ray February 2009 (I don't see it on the website.)

1 pound ground turkey
1 can (5oz) evaporated milk
1/4 c finely chopped onion
2 cups crushed cornflakes (I used breadcrumbs)
2 oz cheese (I used mozzarella)

In a bowl, mix the turkey, 1/4 cup evaporated milk, the onion, and 2/3 cup cornflakes. Season with salt and pepper. Divide into 12 portions. Cut the cheese into 12 small sticks and thread onto 12 skewers. Wet your hands with evaporated milk, then mold some meat around each cheese piece, shaping into 3-inch ovals. Pour the remaining milk into a bowl. Add the remaining cornflakes to a plate. Dip each drumstick into the milk, then coat with the cornflakes. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium hear and fry each drumstick until browned, about 12 minutes.

I basically followed the recipe. Kind of. I threaded cheese. I skipped washing my hands with evaporated milk. I molded meat. I skipped dipping them in milk and crumbs. I realized my skewers were too long for my pan and had to cut the ends of them as I put them in. In any case, they turned out alright. A few of them burst in the pan, oozing cheese all over. Adam liked them and pointed out that they could be made with pork or beef as well. Always thinking, that one...

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